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The magnet, also called magnet, is a medium of small or large format and which, thanks to its magnetic force, is magnetized on any metal surface such as a refrigerator, a magnetic board, a whiteboard... In an instant, your documents , posters, photos, flyers or business cards are magnetized and kept in view of all. This is why communication & marketing agencies, businesses, large institutions are fond of magnets, advertising magnets and personalized magnetic plates. At the office, at home, on a commercial vehicle or a craftsman's utility, we see a large number of personalized magnets or advertising plates to be magnetized. Easy to apply or remove, leaving no traces, according to desires or needs, magnets or magnetic plates are adored because they are champions for creating a massive power of attraction! This is why, you must create your impressions of magnets or magnetic plates with the visual or logo of your company, you will thus gain visibility and arouse the curiosity of your prospects or customers.


Image Boulanger
Image Ikea
Image Carrefour
Image Flunch